Wednesday, November 01, 2006


I've been in SoCal a total of 8 hours now and am on sensory overload. It was great to see Chris waiting for us as we walked into the arrivals hall. He even had a sign for us in Cantonese. It was awesome! Thanks Chris, you rock. He and Dan headed off to pick up Athania while Lem took me to the OC where he lives.

As I look ahead to the Convention that starts on Thursday, I do so cautiously. It would be easy for me to get caught up in all that's going on around me and forget to listen for the Lord. It would be easy to relax, get spiritually lazy and take nothing more than a few resources from this time. It would be easy to come here thinking I have experience, and don't have much to learn.

Instead, I sincerely plan on taking the not so easy road. The road that slows down and spends chunks of time alone with God tomorrow . Just because the conference doesn't start til Thursday doesn't mean I can't catch up with God sooner. I plan on finding some good resources for sure, but even more, I plan on learning how to use them more effectively. Most of all, I can't wait to learn from so many gifted men and women that have so much to give.

People have asked why I would come to Anaheim for a convention. That's the wrong question. The better question is how will being here transform not only me, but our ministry? That's the compelling question.

I came too far to just take the easy road.



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