Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Progression II

The progression planned for our lock-in didn't go at all as planned. Looking back over the evening and morning I'm both saddened that I didn't have things a little better structured and pleased that I didn't resort to too much structure.
While I was really excited to think through some of the raw emotion of Ecclesiastes, I know that time will come, later.
I feel like I'm continually having to learn that my best laid plans, if relied too heavily upon, only get in the way of divine plans. Sure enough, the evening provided a few of those moments. They weren't structured and they certainly weren't planned. Hopefully, their significance will reach far beyond any lesson I wasn't able to share that night.
The longer I do this, the more I am coming to grips with how little I know and how desperately I need the help of the Holy Spirit every step of the way.

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